Our Purpose, Values and Strategy
Our Purpose, Strategy and Values
Pembroke Port is proudly owned by the Port of Milford Haven. As custodians of the Milford Haven Waterway, we are dedicated to operating the UK's leading energy port with a focus on safety, responsibility, and efficiency. Our unwavering commitment to sustainability drives us to minimise our environmental footprint while supporting vibrant coastal communities. Our growth strategy aims to enhance our pilotage services, transform Pembroke Port into a premier destination for living, visiting, and recreation, and establish it as a leading renewable energy hub. We are committed to fostering prosperity and sustainability for future generations.

As a Trust Port we continuously re-invest our profits in infrastructure, equipment and services for the benefit of today’s and future generations. Our vision is for the Milford Haven Waterway to play a significant role in delivering clean maritime growth, industrial decarbonisation and Net Zero, and to enable a cleaner, greener future for our communities.

Pembroke Port is a working port. Keeping our employees, clients, visitors and contractors safe on our property is paramount. By managing safe working practices throughout the site we can keep people safe, prevent damage to infrastructure and avoid lost working time.
As part of the Port of Milford Haven, we comply, so far as is reasonably practicable, with the Port Marine Safety Code which is a national standard that applies to all harbour authorities in the UK. The principle requirements direct ports to conduct risk assessments, implement a formal safety management system, employ properly qualified marine personnel and ensure that sufficient powers and resources are provided to manage the harbour safely.
The Port of Milford Haven manages its risks around safety, marine safety, environment and quality through the Port Integrated Management System PIMS). Each of these areas employs policies, procedures and work instructions using a standard approach which reduces duplication and improves collaboration across our departments. This is a critical part of our drive to set clear objectives inline with our values of excellence and sustainability across the whole organisation.
We have an established system for reporting, recording and resolving concerns and incidents. This forms part of the organisation's Assurance Framework for the management of risk. Concerns and incidents can be reported using an Event Report form. The form includes completion and submission instructions, as well explaining the process for dealing with and responding to submissions.